CLYDE Interfold Pleated Panel Filters can be used in heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems where
standard pre-filters are insufficient protection for the required levels of air cleanliness.
glass media is unacceptable (eg. food and pharmaeutical industries and in some hosipital areas).
the critical nature of the installation demands a combination of high arrestance, coupled with control over smaller particles.
Interfold Pleated Features and Benefits:
CLYDE Interfold Panel Pleated filters have the ability to achieve high levels of high efficiency, ease of handling and space saving attributes have made panel pleated filters popular among end-users. Interfold Panel Pleated filters are acceptable for computer room free-standing units. The high capacity version of pleated filters is selected when space is at a premium. Filter sizes match the rated capacities of High Efficiency Extended Surface filters (bag filters).
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